Your Registration Has Been Submitted!
Dear Parent/Guardian, thank you very much for your registration.
To confirm the class, please make payment of trial class fee to LoveKids Speech and Drama Pte Ltd.
Payment can be made by:
1. PayNow to UEN 200504492RLK1
2. Internet Bank Transfer to UOB Bank Account Number 3523162770
Please include your child's name in the transaction details for our reference.
Trial Class Fee
1. P1 to P4 - $51.00
2. P5 to P6 - $60.00
3. Secondary - $80.00
Confirmation of trial class will be sent out by email to the address provided in the registration form.
Thank you!
P.S. A copy of the above payment instructions has also been forwarded to your email address.
The Team from LK Academy