Toastmasters Club
(P4 to P6) - Nov/Dec 2021
"If there is one touchstone to success, it is confidence!"
- Former Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew
At Toastmasters Club, the P4s, P5s and P6s will be instilled with self-confidence. It will, after all, lead to success - success in examinations, success in oral exams and success in life!
The students at Toastmasters Club will be trained and equipped to deliver a solo presentation with confidence, as public speaking skills are strengthened throughout the workshop.
The learning does not stop there. Students will be taught how to apply their public speaking skills in Oral Examinations and PSLE.
Toastmasters Club will culminate with a solo presentation showcase for the students to put their public speaking skills into action, where they will confidently deliver a presentation on a topic of choice!
*Parents will be invited to watch the solo presentation showcase via Zoom.
Schedule of Workshop
Toastmasters Club
Level: P4 - P6
Date: 6 - 8 Dec 2021
Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm
Price: $375.00 per participant
Note: This workshop will be held in LK Academy.