Registration - LK Sembawang

Dear parent/guardian, kindly fill up the form below to register your child for our programmes at LK Sembawang.

Student Information

Please select the date from the calendar picker or enter the date in the following format: DD-MM-YY (e.g. 23-08-10)

Contact Information

Please enter the blk no, unit no and street name.

Selection of Programme

Payment Information

Terms And Conditions

You may select more than one.


Student Information

Please select the date from the calendar picker or enter the date in the following format: DD-MM-YY (e.g. 23-08-10)

Contact Information

Please enter the blk no, unit no and street name.

Selection of Holiday Workshop

Payment Information

Terms And Conditions

1. Fee paid is not refundable.
2. Full payment must be made within three(3) working days after registration is submitted.
3. Mode of payment: Interbank Bank Transfer, PayNow or PayLah (details will be provided in our confirmation email).
4. Confirmation of place is upon receipt of full payment of fees.
5. Refunds are only made if your child is hospitalized with a supporting document from a doctor.

Calculation for Refunds
6. 7 days or less before commencement of workshop subject to $50 cancellation fee and 50% of workshop fee.
7. After commencement of workshop - No refunds.